August 23, 2017
The fall hunting season in the Northwoods is coming up quick! September 1st begins the first set of hunting openers, which includes bear, and the following day opens Early Canada Goose season. There are various hunting seasons specific to animal and methods of hunting opening throughout the fall. The biggest hunting season opener, firearm deer season, begins November 4th.
You can hunt for various wildlife including bear, deer, grouse, ducks, turkeys and pheasants. To see a complete list of hunting seasons in Minnesota, visit the Department of Natural Resources hunting and trapping seasons page.
Before you go hunting make sure you take a look at Minnesota’s hunting regulations. In addition, when purchasing your hunting license make sure you know what zone you will be hunting in and be familiar with the zone’s regulations as they can vary from zone to zone.
Minnesota Northwoods resorts are located in the heart of hunting country. The surrounding areas are full of public hunting land. We are just as excited as you for the fall hunting season to begin and can’t wait to see you and the trophies you land. The deer population is plentiful, so plan your hunting party retreat now.
Always remember to wear the appropriate colors, have fun, and be careful.
Category: Northwoods Blog
Tags: hunting

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